Open Houses and Buyer Showings in the Time of Covid

As we fall into a groove of real estate reopening and open houses getting back at it, here are a few things you can expect when you are going out to an open house or at private showings with your realtor here on Long Island. 

Here’s what to expect: 

  • Social distancing during the showing, masks, and gloves are REQUIRED. 

  • A maximum of one viewing group are allowed in the home at a time. Other parties will have to wait outside at pre-determined spots in the driveway for their entry turn. 

  • Buyers are required to take “health interview” and sign a COVID-19 affidavit statement along with NYS Agency Disclosure form. 

  • If you’re going to several open houses, be sure to leave yourself plenty of time, since our new normal will likely be very different than your previous experiences.


Are you thinking about owning a home and don't know where to start? Get in touch with Jessica Sullivan Real Estate today.


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